Great summary as always by Aaron!

One potential source of future guests might be historians. Historians of the 1800s, historians of media, historians of political and cultural revolutions, historians of radical political movements in the U.S. and abroad. It would help meet the mission of the show to explain the times we're going through and also put meat in the bones of analogies like the one between today and the launch of the printing press.

For example, a historian could answer the question of whether the ideological conformity in universities today is something new or a reversion to the way most universities were managed outside of the U.S. in the 1800s, as organs of the ruling elite.

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Judging the appeasement policy solely off the actions of Hitler's is a half truth approach. He was a very unique figure, so why would we expect others to have the same world domination mindset? Along with factoring in the life of the 1930’s - 40’s, we are far more interconnected technological, culturally, and militarily. So the appetite and capability for a war of the past to be within our future is not as realistic as one might believe.

With that said, I will admit that as long as the world has different counties, there will be conflict’s. But it’s a common mistake to believe the solution to the current issue will solve/prevent the next. Life is never that easy. Take a second and think how many counties Putin looking to take over? Honestly, how does that senecio play out? It’s not a Putin = Hitler therefore X+Y =Z. Unlike Adolf, Putin is a highly intelligent person so we should assume he has realistic goals and intentions.

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Agreed. It's important to deal with the actual individual rather than their historical counterpart. However, it's not unfair to compare Hitler's ambitions with that of Putin. Hitler did not have global ambitions. He wanted to expand east into the Soviet Union to provide "living space" for the German people. Putin wants to expand West into roughly the same territory.

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